Energizing and Exciting online building programs with LEGO®️ bricks! We invite your child to build with us all Summer and explore new LEGO®️ bricks creations!
- Classes offered through Zoom Meeting
- Classes led by our Creative Leaders
- Classes offered mornings or afternoons
- Mornings from 9:30am – 11:30 am | Grades 4-8
- Afternoons from 1:30pm – 3:30 pm | Grades SK-3
- Choose from a Variety of Weekly Themes including: LEGO® City/Community (houses, schools, Towers, Movie Parks), Sports Fields and Stadiums, Summer Fun (Hotel Beaches, Camps, Under the Sea, Zoos) Famous Landmarks, Video, and Board Game Design, and more…
- Classes will include a summary of LEGO® bricks history and interesting LEGO® bricks facts and pictures from around the world, weekly class themes, Group building, Presentations and Celebrations. Kids will also learn the lyrics to “Talking ‘Bout LEGO®”, the FIRST SONG released about building with LEGO® bricks!
- Requirements: Kids use their own LEGO® bricks at home with a large variety of pieces. Must have 2 – 3 large grey LEGO® boards for building.
- NOTE: We can suggest a great place to purchase regular LEGO® bricks instead of prepackaged sets (ie. Stars Wars, etc..)
- Parents are encouraged to have multiple kids participating so that their kids can build with friends & family – up to 4 in a group
- Pricing: $145 – 5 sessions – full week half-day o Second person in a household, same family – $99
FAMILY DISCOUNT: Second and Third family members of your household receive a $46 of Discount when you register for the SAME Program.
Note: Only 1 Coupon Code or Discount permitted per registration